Tuesday 2 April 2013

Everyday rebirth

While the aim of all life is union with the divine, that is the big picture.  What's the small picture?  I set myself a task this Easter, to discover what rebirth really means to me. 

I believe that Jesus' rebirth was to presage our own rebirth, moving from human consciousness to divine consciousness, but surely it's more than an annual reminder.  As I thought about rebirth over the past few days, a new understanding emerged, an every day understanding of rebirth. 

Complete union with the divine is the big picture, as I said above, however, that is an incremental path.  We do not go from black to white, so to speak, overnight. First we must pass through a million nuances of the rainbow. Rebirth is the story of our dance through each of those nuances. 

Divine union is the story of love, the love that surpasses all knowing.  With each dance through the rainbows of life, we shed the illusion of seperation and embody love more fully, more purely, more completely.  It's a subtle process, but it each time we embrace the life lessons of love, we are reborn, for we come another step closer to our ultimate rebirth into divine consciousness.

Feast days stand out, larger than life.  Or they used to: we have lost the meaning of many of them, but they serve as reminders, like beacons showing us of the steps back to wholeness, to our divine essence.

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